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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

530 Valid hostname is expected.

When connecting to IIS7 using FTP you get the following error.
Response: 530 Valid hostname is expected.
Error: Could not connect to server
When you set up name-based FTP services IIS7 wants the site name defined with the username so that IIS7 can associate the username with the site they wish to log in to.
Works with Filezilla

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Take the time to fully develop.
Rejection breeds Obsession
Blame people for all the good.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Adobe Flash CC with Kinect v2 problem

When I test movie in Adobe flash, the Kinect BodyBasicsWPF acts a little crazy and goes into a multiple loop. It also crashes my Windows 10 machine over time. The blue screen of death appears and shows some video problem.

However, compiling it in adobe air and running the exe file is ok.

I'm using sockets to send the hand coordinates to flash.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Adobe CS6

While Adobe has been pushing their Creative Cloud, I am one of the unfortunate ones stuck with CS4,CS5,CS5.5 and CS6 licenses.
Recently, an update from CC made my adobe media encoder which is installed in Flash Professional CS6 unable to encode f4v files. There are just too little information on troubleshooting AME CS6. Therefore, I am posting this. 
only works for CS4 and strangely enough, I found the shortcut to CS4 under the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink. 
Anyway, I had to uninstall and reinstall Flash Pro with Media Encoder inside. Still no luck!
After that I tried looking at the encoder and realised that it works for 5.1 level under video settings! This is probably due to the high resolution of the video which was 3072 x 768.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Using OpenSSL


In Command Prompt type the following before running the openssl command


then whatever... The following was lifted from adobe:

Convert an Apple developer certificate to a P12 file on Windows

To develop iPhone applications using Flash CS5, you must use a P12 certificate file. You generate this certificate based on the Apple iPhone developer certificate file you receive from Apple.
  1. Convert the developer certificate file you receive from Apple into a PEM certificate file. Run the following command-line statement from the OpenSSL bin directory:
    openssl x509 -in developer_identity.cer -inform DER -out developer_identity.pem -outform PEM
  2. If you are using the private key from the keychain on a Mac computer, convert it into a PEM key:
    openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in mykey.p12 -out mykey.pem
  3. You can now generate a valid P12 file, based on the key and the PEM version of the iPhone developer certificate:
    openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12
    If you are using a key from the Mac OS keychain, use the PEM version you generated in the previous step. Otherwise, use the OpenSSL key you generated earlier (on Windows).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

《天與地》 片尾曲 《年少無知》

After watching this Hong Kong Drama, it shows how real dramas can be.
My ex-partner was a liar and planned his exit 6 months before he quit. He registered an Interactive Technology company (even the company write up was similar to mine) in 2010 under the name of his friend and cousin (based on his lies) and claimed that he was only a technology consultant to them while he was a partner and employee drawing a salary from my company.
In order to free himself of more time to do projects for his other company behind my back, he got his wife to fake a case of catching him cheating on her and giving him hell. Threatening to divorce him etc. His wedding was happily held in 2011. Photos of the projects he did for his cousin's company was on Facebook and some had his wife in it as well. With a big smile of course.
He claims that he was caught in-between kinship (his cousin) and his partner,me. Therefore he did not disclose anything to me. And that he was obliged to help his cousin. That ass should have just quit. Now he is just a liar, betrayer and his conscience will prick him one day. I don't have to do anything to him. May he wake up one day and realize that he has done me wrong.

《天與地》 片尾曲 《年少無知》


林︰年少多好 頑劣多好
Good to be young, Good to be wild
不甘安於封建制度裡 迷信上街真理會達到
Not contented with the feudal system, believing that the truth will be found on the streets
旗幟高舉 群眾聲討
Rally with banners, despite public condemnation
不惜犧牲一切去上訴 權貴的想法太俗套
Sacrifice everything to appeal/promote, good ideas are too conventional
只可惜生活是一堆挫折 只可惜生命是必須妥協
It's a pity that life is a string of setbacks, a pity that we need to compromise in life

陳︰年少多好 貧困多好
Good to be young, good to be poor
一蚊積蓄足以快樂到 廉價結他抒發我暴躁
When a cent can make you happy, and a cheap guitar can express your frustrations
財富得到 年歲不保
When fortune is gained, life has passed
捐輸不必講究有回報 人世間總會有異數
Don't need to expect anything when you give, there will always be surprises in life
只可惜生活是一聲發洩 只可惜生命是一聲抱歉 怕追到
Its a pity that life is a howl of frustrations, a pity that life is but a word sorry, when the time comes.
合︰如果 命運能選擇
If we can choose our fate
十字街口 你我踏出的每步更瀟灑
We can navigate our crossroads with more flair
如果 活著能坦白
If life can be lived with honesty
舊日所相信價值 不必接受時代的糟蹋
Old values will not succumb to anachronism.

黃︰年少多好 朋友多好
Good to be young, good to have friends
一番爭執不會有被告 遊戲競爭不會記入腦
no dispute without a defendant, rat race will not be remembered
年歲增長 無法修補
Grow older, no way to make amendments
青春的詩總會老 時間多恐怖
The young chief poet will grow old, time is a scary thing

合︰如果 命運能選擇
If we can choose our fate
十字街口 你我踏出的每步無用困惑
We can choose our paths at the crossroads without confusion
如果 活著能坦白
If life can be lived with honesty
舊日所相信價值 今天發現還未老
Old values, not too late to realize them today.
如果 命運能演習
If fate can be practiced
現實中不致接納 一生每步殘酷抉擇
Don't need to accept the reality of, the brutal choices of every step in life
留守 過去的想法
Remember the past experiences
我會否好像這樣 生於世上 無目的鞭撻
Will I be like this, living on this earth, in eternal torture.

Translation of lyrics done by JC. please give me your comments. thanks

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Winsock Error 11004

The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for.

When the socket client shows this error, one of the issues might be due to a duplicate computer name in the same network. Change the computer name and it should be ok.