What happens when we stop fighting? will we lose everything? do we become a robot or an alien? or do we just end it all?
Why do we try to be a hero and save people who appear to need help but get ourselves hurt because these people exploit us. If we do not want to help them, they will not be able to exploit us, there will be no hate when we find out the truth nor will there be any unhappiness. But the questions comes when there are people who really need our help. What happens then?
Should we just let nature takes its course? The way God made us? the survival of the fittest? or do we lend a helping hand? and save these godforsaken people and the survival of the fittest becomes the survival of the people dependent on the fittest?
The burden hardest to bear becomes the question for the strong when the weak drains the strong, drag them down and slows their ascent. When is it time to let go? Will there be a sign? or do we fight for them and die trying?
It takes courage to let go, and to believe its time to move on. For one will never know, if it is the right choice since we will never know the future, and when we know the effect of our choices, there is only regret.