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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adobe Flash CS5 AS2 problem some characters not showing in Dynamic text box

I am experiencing the same problem as below:

if (day() == Saturday){
tomorrow.text = "Sunday";
displays Suday instead of Sunday

Try selecting the text field, the hit "character embedding" in the property inspector. Select basic Latin and Latin I

Select selection tool ---> select the Text Field ---> Go to the Properties pannel ---> Anti-alias ---> Use Device Fonts

1) Select the dynamic textbox that isn't showing up when your swf is published.
2) In the Properties panel under Character, click the [Embed...] button
3) Name your font symbol exactly the same name as the base font. If you're using Arial Bold, call it Arial. Any other name didn't work for me. (I don't know what happens if you need Arial and Arial Bold in the same file)
4) Select the character ranges and enter any custom characters to include.
5) Click the ActionScript tab at the top of the dialog & check "Export for ActionScript" - the Identifier should populate with your font name.
6) In the Properties panel under Character, change the Family selection to your new custom font (it should appear near the top of the list as Fontname*

Based on other suggestions in this thread, I turned off "selectable text" as an option. (Properties panel, small icon in the Character group, lower left hand corner). Text then displays OK in player - I did not make any other changes.

Found these solutions online but haven't tried it yet. Will try soon.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Data Execution Prevention pop with Windows Explorer

My Windows XP SP3 recently had a weird problem. Any video file that I click on in windows explorer triggered the Data Execution Prevention message keeps popping up and closing my windows explorer.
I overlooked the option to turn OFF DEP when both options say Turn on DEP etc etc....
Only on a desperate second look did I find out that the second option had the word "except"! argh!