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Friday, April 17, 2009

Never use Flash 9 to save as Flash 8 and do further development

The biggest mistake of today was to start developing in Flash 9, then saving it as Flash 8 and copying it to another computer to further develop it in Flash 8.
You will get all sorts of weird bugs. I was just trying to play a simple flv video clip. It was 4 minutes long and the file was quite big due to the resolution. I wasn't observant enough so when the clip stopped, it was supposed to trigger an onstatus event and do other things. However, what I got was that the clip ended prematurely and restarted the whole code from start again. I thought is was socket timeout, buffer problems, etc but after debugging the whole night, I decided to rewrite in a fresh project and guess what? It worked perfectly, with the same source code. Flash 9 is a disaster! Don't give people the option to save in Flash 8 when it doesn't work!!!

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