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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How do I recover my Joomla admin password?

How do I recover my Joomla admin password?

this work with Joomla 1.0 and Joomla 1.5

If you know the email address that was used, the simplest thing is to do is to use the "lost password" Front-end function if you have made it available.

If not, you will need access to the MySQL database.

You have two choices, either add a new super administrator or change the password stored in the data base. To do this you need to go to phpMyAdmin (or use a similar tool) and manually edit the database. Before doing this back up our complete database.

Run this to create a new user known as admin2.

INSERT INTO `jos_users` VALUES      (62, 'Administrator2', 'admin2', ' This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  ', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3',       'Super Administrator', 0, 1, 25, '2005-09-28 00:00:00', '2005-09-28 00:00:00', '', ''); INSERT INTO `jos_core_acl_aro` VALUES (10,'users','62',0,'Administrator2',0); INSERT INTO `jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map` VALUES (25,'',10); 

The password will be admin. Immediately log in and change this password.


You can change the password in the table for your admin user (assuming you never changed the user name; if you have just change the instructions below to .

The password is stored in the MySQL database jos_users table password field. (change this for your table prefix if different)

Open the table, find your admin username, and then select that row for editing.

The password must be hashed, you cannot simply enter text into this field.

Set the password to a known value

- password = "this is the MD5 hashed password" ------------------------------------------------------ - admin  = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 - secret = 5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69 - OU812  = 7441de5382cf4fecbaa9a8c538e76783 

Paste the hashed password into the field, save the change, and log-in using the new password. Immediately change your password to something more secure!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

localhost not recognised in Windows Vista

The standard way to resolve that is to find the hosts file
and map your loopback address ( ) to "localhost".

There's an issue connected to doing that on Vista.

The hosts file is considered a system file by Vista.
You have to first take ownership of it then grant yourself full control.

These are the two commands that you need to run from an elevated command prompt.
(Right click "command prompt" and choose "Run as Administrator") :

takeown /f c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

icacls c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts /grant yourusername:f

If you installed to a drive other than "c:", modify accordingly, of course.

Now you can open the file with notepad, insert this line and save the hosts file
( make sure it doesn't acquire a .txt extension ) : localhost

If that doesn't fix it, you have a bad install of the TCP/IP stack.

Copied from Juan T. Llibre, MVP

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Multi Touch Table

So! Everyone is moving towards multi touch with Windows 7 having support for multi touch and gestures. I've decided to build one as well.

Hardware setup
Generic setup: Cupboard, Projector (Epson EMP-400W), Projector mounting, Camera (Point Grey Firefly MV, Philips SPC900NC, PS3eye), Camera lens (M12 mount, HEO NIR Camera lens L58-844/L58-845)

FTIR setup: IR 850nm LEDs, LED Mounting, Resistors (47 ohms + 9 LEDs (1.24V) = 12V adapter) Clear Acrylic, Silicon Rubber , Tracing paper, Rosco Grey Rear projection screen, PET protective film.

LLP Setup: 10mW IR 850nm Laser line lens (3V adapter), Laser mounting, Rosco Grey rear projection screen, Acrylic/Glass.

DI Setup: IR 850nm LED lamp, Rosco Grey Rear projection Screen, Acrylic

Software Setup

CCV, Java, Quicktime, Camera drivers, Flash 9 CS3

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Need to optimize flash 9

I've been using flash 8 and 9 for some simple Multi touch drawing board application and realised that it is running too slow and requires a very fast computer to run it. Therefore, the need to optimize the code. I quick search on the internet led me to the following tips:

1) Declare local variables instead of global variables. (i had the impression that global variables just take up ram but will run faster during runtime. But i guess i'm wrong)
function doSomething() { var mx = 100 var my = 100 var ar = new Array()...}

2) Using OnEnterFrame, it is not recomended to attach too many event handlers all over the movie clip because this can lead to spaghetti code and also it can significantly degrade performance.
Most of the times using one single onEnterFrame can be a good solution: just one main loop that takes care of the various operations to carry on.

3) 25-35fps. The higher the fps the slower it will run the code.

4) Visibility. One of the best solutions to this problem is to have an empty frame in your movieclips where you can gotoAndStop(), freeing up some work to the flash player.
_visible = false; doesn't work.

5) for in loop instead of the usual for or while syntax.
for (var i in arr) {  if (arr[i] > 50)  {   // do some processing here  } } 
is faster than 
for (var i=0; i<10000;> 50)  {   // do some processing here  } } 
var i=-1 while (++i <>
is faster than 
for (var i=0; i<1000;>
6) _global vars is faster than Timeline vars. 
7) Multiple var declaration is faster than single
8) Var name lookup
t = getTimer() var floor = Math.floor var ceil  = Math.ceil for (var i=0; i < num =" floor(MAX)">
is better than 
for (var i=0; i < num =" Math.floor(MAX)">
9) Short var names is better than long variable names
10) Declaring var in loops (to the contrary) is faster than declaring before a loop.
11) using single if statements is faster than complex conditional expressions in a single if statement.
12) Nested loops, while loop is faster than for loops (eg for 2D data) 
13) TellTarget vs dot syntax. 
_x =10;
_y = 10
is faster than mc._x = 10; mc._y = 10;
14) Loop listening for pressed keys
keyDown = Key.isDown
15) use int() instead of Math.Floor()
16) Often performance is about perception.
If you attempt to perform too much work in a single frame, 
Flash doesn't have time to render the Stage, 
and the user perceives a slowdown. 
If you break up the amount of work being performed into smaller chunks, 
Flash can refresh the Stage at the prescribed frame rate, 
and there is no perceived slowdown.
16) loads more at this forum:
The Flashkit Board Optimization thread
Bit-101 Forum Optimizations Tips
OddHammer Tips

Monday, August 17, 2009

The paradigm shift

There is no more hope, its just a recurring nightmare like one of those where you keep running away from someone or something.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Generation Boom to Generation X

A generation gap between the Generation X and Y and their Baby Boomer parents is common around the world. Every country, every state, every village, has its own culture, set of rules and beliefs. In particular, why are people from the Generation X so miserable in Singapore? Everyone has something to complain about with it comes to family, marriage, bgr for the Generation X. Where most if not all should have started their own families, why is there a large number of divorced and single or unhappily married Gen X people out there?
New technology, political differences, workplace behavior, age of consent, age of responsibility, education system etc are blamed for the different and confusing generation gap from just one generation away. The boomers and the gen X. The Gen X is way past the age of MTV, WWE, Rock n Roll, and Retro. But the expectations of our other halves are worlds apart from those of our parents. Blame it on our education? our teachers? our British english with American TV? A pretty messed up society I would say. The age of Housewives and breadwinner's pride, to a neverending fight for equality in certain things in life, but in truth, the man has to suffer more, serve the woman, give in to her, open the door, who invented the gentleman? but it only exists in the era of slavery and monarchy. With the current democracy, the women's charter is obsolete unless there is an equal men's charter with women earning as much as men. Multi-tasking between a women's server, house-husband, a career-minded man, fillial son without compromising his own interests seems like mission impossible.
However, many still make it with the help of their understanding parents giving way, proper management of bosses, spouse and kids. But if any one of these factors were to be missing, the man's entire life would crash. Something will have to be given up, be it career, marriage, or family. but why is it that the women do not have this problem? They are traditionally not expected to stay with the family after marriage. So they have it easy. What happened to the rest of the traditions where the women have to serve the men? take care of the house and the family? In a company, different people fill different roles and never is there an accountant doing an engineer's job or a CEO taking minutes of a meeting. But even the CEO himself, is supposed to "take minutes" and open the car door for his gf and pay for the meals and movie (hold the popcorns too).
Watching the movie wildhogs, the man finally becomes the man when he silences his noisy wife who scolds him everyday and asks for her to "feel" him. Does it have to come to an ultimatum before the woman knows there's only this much a man can take and suffer before giving in? Or is it just these small group of unhappy people, single, divorced people, have this problem?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The irony of life

I found this quote very interesting and true, “The private assortment of images: fears, loves, regrets… for it’s the cruel irony of life that we are destined to hold the dark with the light, the good with the evil, success with disappointment… this is what separates us, what makes us human. And in the end, we must fight to hold on to.”
What happens when we stop fighting? will we lose everything? do we become a robot or an alien? or do we just end it all?
Why do we try to be a hero and save people who appear to need help but get ourselves hurt because these people exploit us. If we do not want to help them, they will not be able to exploit us, there will be no hate when we find out the truth nor will there be any unhappiness. But the questions comes when there are people who really need our help. What happens then?
Should we just let nature takes its course? The way God made us? the survival of the fittest? or do we lend a helping hand? and save these godforsaken people and the survival of the fittest becomes the survival of the people dependent on the fittest?
The burden hardest to bear becomes the question for the strong when the weak drains the strong, drag them down and slows their ascent. When is it time to let go? Will there be a sign? or do we fight for them and die trying?
It takes courage to let go, and to believe its time to move on. For one will never know, if it is the right choice since we will never know the future, and when we know the effect of our choices, there is only regret.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Is there a norm? Is there an ideal case?

Are we trying to be someone we are not? Are we all actors and actresses? Those who are not afraid to be themselves and do what they like and want are often condemned by the society. Why can't we eat bread in a fancy restuarant the way we eat cheese burgers? Am I the only one who is tired of all these rules? Or is everyone feeling the same way I do? I grow tired, I take a break, and I get up and fight again. What happens when people grow tired and just stop fighting?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Unable to register on selected network. Choose another network, or disconnect your data connection and try again

or Unable to read setting from network. Try viewing settings later, or dissconnect data connection and try again

I was in Johor Bahru and was surprised that my HTC Touch diamond was not able to connect to their local network. Despite changing to manual network settings, soft resetting my phone etc, I still couldn't get it to work.
After searching my phone settings for a long time, I finally found out that it is due to the HSPDA connection.
I had to turn off the HSPDA option under "settings" -> "Advanced Network"

Don't you just hate it when the error messages mislead you to other directions which doesn't solve the problem?

Mouse driver for C++

Recently, there has been a lot of hype about Multi touch and there are x companies interested in purchasing my multi touch screen.
One company requested that I enable a single touch function to control the mouse.

Below is the mouse driver code:

Settings: Ignore Specific Library libcmt.lib //if you get the warning /nodefaultlib...

Use of MFC: Use MFC in a Static Library. //Shared may give some problems.

in stdafx.h

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501

#include windows.h
// Get total screen coordinates
int screen_x = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
int screen_y = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
int x,y;
x = 150 *(65335/screen_x);
y = 150 *(65335/screen_y);

INPUT reset;
reset.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
reset.mi.dx = x;
reset.mi.dy = y;
reset.mi.mouseData = 0;

//reset1.mi.dwFlags = ( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN );//to control other mouse functions.
//reset2.mi.dwFlags = ( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP );


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

phd = piled higher and deeper + permanent head damage + procrastinating hideous depths

Do I want a Phd?

PhD MEans...
* Patiently hoping for a Degree
* Piled higher and Deeper
(after BS = Bullsh..., MS = More of the Same...)
* Professorship? hah! Dream on!
* Please hire. Desperate.
* Physiologically Deficient
* Pour him (or her) a Drink
* Philosophically Disturbed
* Probably headed for Divorce
* Pathetically hopeless Dweeb
* Probably heavily in Debt
* Parents have Doubts
* Professors had Doubts
* Pheromone Deprived
* Probably hard to Describe
* Patiently headed Downhill...
* Permanent head Damage
* Pulsating heaving Disaster?
* Pretty homely Dork
* Potential heavy Drinker
* Professional hamburger Dispenser... "Would you like fries with that?"
* Post hole Digger
* Professional hair Dresser
* Piano hauling Done
* Pizza hut Driver
* Pretty heavily Depressed
* Prozac handouts Desired
* Pretty heavy Diploma
* Phinally Done !!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Audio Info

Dolby Digital Plus

Audio that completes the high-definition picture.

Dolby® Digital Plus is the next-generation audio technology for all high-definition programming and media. It combines the efficiency to meet future broadcast demands with the power and flexibility to realize the full audio potential of the upcoming high-definition experience. Built on Dolby Digital, the multichannel audio standard for DVD and HD broadcasts worldwide, Dolby Digital Plus was designed for the delivery formats of the future, but remains fully compatible with all current A/V receivers. With Dolby Digital Plus, you get even higher quality audio, more channels, and greater flexibility. Amaze your ears.


  • Multichannel sound with discrete channel output.
  • Channel and program extensions can carry multichannel audio programs of up to 7.1 channels* and support multiple programs in a single encoded bitstream.
  • Outputs a Dolby Digital bitstream for playback on existing Dolby Digital systems.
  • Supports data rates as high as 6 Mbps.
  • Bit rate performance of at least 3 Mbps on HD DVD and up to 1.7 Mbps on Blu-ray Disc.
  • Accurately reproduces what the director and producer intended.
  • Interactive mixing and streaming capability in advanced systems.
  • Supported by HDMI, the new single-cable digital connection for high-definition audio and video.


  • Can deliver 7.1 channels and beyond* of enhanced-quality audio at up to 6 Mbps.
  • Allows multiple languages to be carried in a single bitstream.
  • Offers audio professionals new creative power and freedom.
  • Compatible with the millions of home entertainment systems equipped with Dolby Digital.
  • No latency or loss of quality in the conversion process.
  • Maintains high quality at more efficient broadcast bit rates (200 kbps for 5.1-channel audio).
  • Selected by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) as the standard for future broadcast applications; named as an option by the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Project for satellite and cable TV.
  • Selected as the mandatory audio format for HD DVD and as an optional audio format for the Blu-ray Disc.

*Dolby Digital Plus can support more than eight audio channels. HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc standards currently limit their maximum number of audio channels to eight.

Dolby TrueHD

Dolby Has You Covered

From thunderous action effects to ripping bass chords to the subtle delicacy of a lone oboe, Dolby® TrueHD brings a palpable audio presence to the home theater experience. Dolby TrueHD is Dolby’s latest lossless technology, developed for high-definition disc-based media. The sound is bit-for-bit identical to the studio master, so listening at home is like being in the studio while the movie or video is being mixed, or at the sound board at a live concert. With Dolby TrueHD, the listener hears exactly what was captured during the recording and mastering process. Coupled with the high-definition video of Blu-ray Disc™, Dolby TrueHD unlocks an unprecedented home theater experience with sound as stunning as the spectacular picture.

Dolby TrueHD Features

  • 100 percent lossless coding technology—with playback identical to uncompressed PCM
  • Up to 18 Mbps bit rate
  • Supports up to eight full-range channels of 24-bit/96 kHz audio*
  • Supports up to 5.1 channels of 24-bit/192 kHz audio
  • Bitstream transport enabled by High-Definition Media Interface (HDMI™ 1.3), the single-cable digital connection for audio and video
  • Supports extensive metadata including dialogue normalization, dynamic range control, and downmix coefficients for 5.1- or 2.0-channel mixes as determined by the content provider
  • Enables independent two-channel “artist’s mix” to be integrated into the Dolby TrueHD stream

*Dolby TrueHD can support more than eight audio channels. Blu-ray Disc standards currently limit its maximum number of audio channels to eight.

Benefits of Dolby TrueHD

  • Delivers a studio-quality “you are there” surround-sound experience that unlocks the true high-definition entertainment experience on Blu-ray discs
  • Offers more discrete channels than ever before for impeccable surround sound
  • Dialogue normalization maintains the same volume level when you change to other Dolby Digital and Dolby TrueHD programming
  • Dynamic range control (Night mode) enables you to customize audio playback to reduce peak volume levels (no loud surprises) while experiencing all the details in the soundtrack, enabling late-night viewing of high-energy surround sound without disturbing others
  • Provides the same mix as the producer hears for any channel configuration from 2.0 to 7.1

Audio Processing in Blu-ray Disc Players

The most practical way Blu-ray Disc players implement the BonusView and BD-Live interactive features is by processing all of the related audio elements in the player. This is the same processing model that has been used for video on DVDs: the main video is decoded, then overlaid with subtitles or menus, and output as a complete video presentation, either as analog (composite, component) or digital (DVI, HDMI™) baseband signals.

In a Blu-ray Disc player, soundtracks decoded from the disc, as well as audio elements streamed or downloaded from an Internet connection or generated internally in the player, are decoded as digital PCM signals. PCM is the format players use to perform all internal audio processing operations, including mixing. In the mixing stage, secondary audio, button sounds, streaming commentary, and other non-disc-audio are mixed with the primary 5.1 or 7.1 soundtrack from the disc. The result is the complete audio presentation as intended by the content creator.

The built-in decoding of these high-definition formats enables full playback compatibility with next-generation A/V receivers as well as earlier A/V receivers not equipped with Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD decoders.

Depending on the model, Blu-ray Disc players can output internally decoded soundtracks as follows:

  • As a multichannel PCM signal via HDMI
  • As a multichannel analog signal via analog connections
  • As a Dolby Digital signal via a coaxial or digital connection*

Many Blu-ray Disc players offer the choice of all three.

HDMI can transport both digital audio and video signals, so you need only one cable connecting your player and A/V receiver. In addition, connection via HDMI may enable the full application of your A/V receiver’s DSP postprocessing features, such as bass management, the 5.1- to 7.1- to 9.1-channel expansion capability of Dolby Pro Logic® IIx or Dolby Pro Logic IIz, and speaker distance settings.

Multichannel analog outputs let you enjoy full high-definition audio from a Blu-ray Disc player connected to an A/V receiver equipped with multichannel analog inputs. However, some receivers do not apply DSP postprocessing to analog input signals. If your receiver does not, you should choose a Blu-ray Disc player that provides bass management, which is particularly important if you have a subwoofer/satellite speaker system.

The coaxial or optical digital audio output enables 5.1-channel playback through A/V receivers and home-theater-in-a-box (HTIB) systems equipped only with Dolby Digital decoding*. While you won’t realize the full high-definition capabilities of Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD soundtracks, the sound quality can be better than that of standard-definition DVD, because your Dolby Digital receiver can take advantage of a higher 640 kbps core Dolby Digital signal on Blu-ray™ discs.

*The player requires a Dolby Digital Compatible Output feature to enable the output of decoded Dolby TrueHD signals as a 640 kbps Dolby Digital bitstream.

Note: Each of these options, as well as HDMI 1.3, let you enjoy the new interactive features on Blu-ray Disc players equipped with BonusView and/or BD-Live.

A/V Receivers with Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD Decoding

Advanced A/V receivers feature HDMI 1.3 inputs and built-in Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD decoders. This enables the receiver to decode high-definition theatrical (primary) soundtracks transported in their native format directly from Blu-ray Disc players equipped with HDMI 1.3 and bitstream out capability.

HDMI 1.3 provides all the standard HDMI benefits, including a single-cable connection for both audio (bitstream and PCM) and video as well as the proper application of the receiver’s DSP postprocessing, including bass management.

In addition, decoding theatrical soundtracks in your A/V receiver can enable full 96/24 digital audio capability when it is not supported in the player. Your system will also be ready for Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD signals from future set-top boxes, Internet audio and video sources, and downloadable HD media devices.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Monstrous Monotonous

When life is stable it becomes monotonous.
When life cycles around a systematic pattern that leads back to the beginning.
When life revolves around meaningless races.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Friday, April 17, 2009

Never use Flash 9 to save as Flash 8 and do further development

The biggest mistake of today was to start developing in Flash 9, then saving it as Flash 8 and copying it to another computer to further develop it in Flash 8.
You will get all sorts of weird bugs. I was just trying to play a simple flv video clip. It was 4 minutes long and the file was quite big due to the resolution. I wasn't observant enough so when the clip stopped, it was supposed to trigger an onstatus event and do other things. However, what I got was that the clip ended prematurely and restarted the whole code from start again. I thought is was socket timeout, buffer problems, etc but after debugging the whole night, I decided to rewrite in a fresh project and guess what? It worked perfectly, with the same source code. Flash 9 is a disaster! Don't give people the option to save in Flash 8 when it doesn't work!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

visit to geek terminal

Curious about the name of the place, I went down to geek terminal to take a look at the place.
First of all, wireless internet can be found at MacDonald's and wireless@sg is everywhere too. The power strips or power supply tracks on the floor is old technology. It was on sale 3-4 years ago and can be found in some offices, meeting rooms, and they require an adapter to the strip. The idea by this company (Eubiq) is very cool. To plug in your power hungry gadgets anywhere. But when you run out of adapters (which cost quite a bit), you're pretty much out of power as well.
An all-in-one photocopier machine, projector with screen, much like a meeting room. What so geeky about the things at Geek terminal?
Everything found in there isn't that geeky to me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

for loop

for (i=0; i total; i++) { 
for (j=i+1; j total; j++) { 
for (i=0; i total; i++) { 
for (j=0; j total; j++) { 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Freeware rules!

This application allows you to use your webcam on multiple programs at the same time.

Check it out!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Webcam in Flash

cam.setMode(640, 480, 24, true);

if(e.code == "Camera.Unmuted")
//start the application
//if there are no Cameras
if(cam == null)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


When is the best time to cruise to Alaska?
Anytime between May and September is a good time to go to Alaska, but there are better times in the season to travel if you have a specific interest or motivation. For example, if you're interested in saving money, then the shoulder seasons of May and September are the best times to go. If you are traveling with children, you may be limited to mid-June through mid-August. Spring is a great time to see the wildflowers in full bloom and Alaska's Fall foliage is a sight to see as well. Your warmest and longest days will be in June and July and will offer you plenty of opportunities to enjoy active, calving glaciers. Each month has its benefits. You should plan to travel when it best meets your schedule and budget.

Alaska's Aurora Borealis
The Northern Lights in Alaska

When to see them:

Best Months: The sky has to be dark which means the lights unfortunately can't be seen in summer. The best months are March and September; that's when there are: 1) frequent displays, 2) clear skies, and 3) generally mild weather.

Best Time of Day: Start looking about an hour and a half after sunset. But peak auroral activity is between 10pm and 2am solar time. Solar time is 2.5 hours after clock time during daylight savings time (April through October) and 1.5 hours after during standard daylight time (November through March). That means the best time for seeing the aurora during winter is 11:30pm-3:30 am with the peak at 1:30am. During spring and fall (September and March), the best time is 12:30am-4:30am, with the peak falling at 2:30am.

The Right Conditions: If it's clear and dark enough to see stars, there's a chance you'll be able to see the aurora. Get away from city lights and hope for a clear night-if there's a heavy overcast, you won't be able to see it. Partly cloudy skies? You have a chance, but it needs to be a strong aurora for you to see it. But even if the sky is crystal clear, auroral activity varies greatly from night to night.

Where to See the Northern Lights:
The Fairbanks area is the most likely place to see them on any given night. Hordes of Japanese tourists decend on Fairbanks over the winter just to see the Aurora Borealis. Just north of Anchorage, away from the city lights, is a good place too. In Alaska, they can be seen as far south as Ketchikan.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Broken promise

Broken trust makes a jealous heart.
Injured love slowly falls apart.
Say good-bye cause love can't right,
Above the lies of a broken trust
Young love is such a special thing,
It spoils the heart for less
But sure as time, all things must change,
Not always for the best
With wicket ease, temptation breeds,
A strong and binding spell
But, the honeymoon is over when,
Your out with someone else

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Its not an excuse, i'm just telling the facts.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

cvFindContour problem

My first algorithm for blob detection was to read through all the pixels and find the bright spots. This was slow and no matter how I optimised my code, I was unable to go above 60fps. The bottle neck was the for loop that reads all the pixels.
As a result I changed it to use cvFindContours. This is much faster and after making some changes, I was able to go up to 120fps!
Then came a problem. I was detecting the same coordinates for 2-3 frames before the blob was detected in its new position. This effectively gave me many problems with new blobs and old blobs being generated instead of 1 blob moving across the screen.
A colleague of mine told me that he saw no problem with my code and he encountered this problem before. It is due to the motion compensation process in the video decoder and not opencv.
He worked around this by detecting and ignoring duplicate frames. Does anyone have any other ideas ?

Use your mobile phone as a modem for your laptop

Recently I saw the advertisement on M1 that allows 50GB free of data on your mobile plan with a monthly subscription of S$22.42. It is slightly better than Singtel's plan which offers 30GB free for the same price. With 50GB, I figured I should use this plan to surf on the go on my laptop as well. I'm planning to buy the Sony Vaio P. :)

After subscribing, I need to set up my HTC Touch Diamond to be a modem to surf with my laptop through my phone. Below are the steps to connect via your mobile phone. :)

Make sure you have ActiveSync installed on your PC if you are using Windows XP or earlier. Windows Vista requires the Windows Mobile Device Center.

Open the Internet Sharing program and change the “Network Connection” to “Sunsurf Internet” using the drop down menu.

Finally, select “Connect” and you should see your laptop doing a device driver installation.
You’re now ready to browse the internet using your Windows mobile phone as a modem.

If your phone does not have the Internet sharing program, try the following:

First, use a registry editor such as PHM Regedit to delete the value \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings\ForceCellConnection
Soft reset your device and you should see the internet sharing program have the option: "Network Connection"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Accept the person for who they are but recognise the need for change

The paradox of being in a relationship. Women often want their other half to accept them for who they are. However, it is the other half's responsibility to see that they continue to grow and be happy. This would include correcting and improving. In other words, trying to change them from what they are to what they should be. This creates a paradox, how can you accept your girlfriend or wife yet cause them to be a better person?
Love, Acceptance. Someone to support them, encourage them, be there for them regardless of success or failure.