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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Winsock Error 11004

The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for.

When the socket client shows this error, one of the issues might be due to a duplicate computer name in the same network. Change the computer name and it should be ok.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Solution to Contacts Appearing Offline on Windows Live Messenger 2011.

I experienced this problem when I had to urgently send small files to and from my partner. We were working on a website project where he did the design work and I did the PHP programming. Boy do I hate website programming. Simple layouts, arranging text, fonts, all the mundane stuff. I prefer C++ with all the socket programming, image processing, mathematical algorithms etc.
Anyway, I tried Step 1 and 2 below but it still didn't work. So step 3-5 is for the people who had the same unfortunate experience as me.
Good Luck!

  • 1
    Sign out and exit MSN 2011
  • 2
    Go to Control Panel >> Programs >> Programs and Features >> Choose Windows Live Essentials 2011 and click on Uninstall/Change, Finally in the popup window, choose Repair All Windows Live Programs.
  • 3
    Go to C:\Users\WINUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft . Delete the Windows Live Contacts folder (AppData is a hidden folder so be sure to change your folder settings)
  • 4
    Go to C:\Users\WINUSERNAME\ delete the Contacts folder
  • 5
    If after signing in the problem persists go to C:\Users\WINUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Messenger . Backup the entire folder and then proceed to delete it. If you have emoticons and display pictures you will then be able to restore them from the backup.
  • Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Adobe Flash CS5 AS2 problem some characters not showing in Dynamic text box

    I am experiencing the same problem as below:

    if (day() == Saturday){
    tomorrow.text = "Sunday";
    displays Suday instead of Sunday

    Try selecting the text field, the hit "character embedding" in the property inspector. Select basic Latin and Latin I

    Select selection tool ---> select the Text Field ---> Go to the Properties pannel ---> Anti-alias ---> Use Device Fonts

    1) Select the dynamic textbox that isn't showing up when your swf is published.
    2) In the Properties panel under Character, click the [Embed...] button
    3) Name your font symbol exactly the same name as the base font. If you're using Arial Bold, call it Arial. Any other name didn't work for me. (I don't know what happens if you need Arial and Arial Bold in the same file)
    4) Select the character ranges and enter any custom characters to include.
    5) Click the ActionScript tab at the top of the dialog & check "Export for ActionScript" - the Identifier should populate with your font name.
    6) In the Properties panel under Character, change the Family selection to your new custom font (it should appear near the top of the list as Fontname*

    Based on other suggestions in this thread, I turned off "selectable text" as an option. (Properties panel, small icon in the Character group, lower left hand corner). Text then displays OK in player - I did not make any other changes.

    Found these solutions online but haven't tried it yet. Will try soon.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    Data Execution Prevention pop with Windows Explorer

    My Windows XP SP3 recently had a weird problem. Any video file that I click on in windows explorer triggered the Data Execution Prevention message keeps popping up and closing my windows explorer.
    I overlooked the option to turn OFF DEP when both options say Turn on DEP etc etc....
    Only on a desperate second look did I find out that the second option had the word "except"! argh!

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    127 hrs of programming

    Here are the problems encountered with the latest projects especially when Windows when all cranky with me.

    Temp profile when I logged in. After searching, the answer was to backup everything, delete the temp profile under the following
    control panel -> Advanced System Properties -> Advanced -> User Profiles -> Settings
    and delete the temp profile.

    When this happened, all the links in Visual Studio and some stupid programs like grapheditplus requires you to register again.
    Using #include iphlpapi.h

    was a pain cos you have to link the include and lib path all over again.
    then add

    #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif  
    #include windows.h

    So that it will use winsock2.h instead of winsock.h


    "In computing, although the grayscale can be computed through rational numbers, image pixels are stored in binary, quantized form. Some early grayscale monitors can only show up to sixteen (4-bit) different shades, but today grayscale images (as photographs) intended for visual display (both on screen and printed) are commonly stored with 8 bits per sampled pixel, which allows 256 different intensities (i.e., shades of gray) to be recorded, typically on a non-linear scale. The precision provided by this format is barely sufficient to avoid visible banding artifacts, but very convenient for programming due to the fact that a single pixel then occupies a single byte."
    Life is Grayscale. I tried living life with 1's and 0's. The only thing I got was misery. Betrayal, Breach of trust, Deception, Dishonesty, Jealousy, Dissatisfaction, Discontent, Uneasiness.
    Everybody is bad and good at some point in time. If you calculate the number of 1's or 0's for a person, you get more 0's than 1's. Using 0-255 in Grayscale would be better. You can paint the person literally.
    The problem is when there's a large dark patch its hard see the rest of the Grayscale image properly. The trust is gone, disappointment kicks in, the guard comes back up, the mask is on. Back to the game of life. Humor me.
    Stereotypes of categories of people always seem to be true. Classification, horoscopes, palmistry, micro-espressions, nurture, family background, education, etc. Combine everything and the Grayscale image is mapped out. Usually, its the corrupted image of the devil.
    Some traits are so innate that regardless of society and nurture, the person is still that stereotypical shade of gray. Damn! how i hope that friend didn't turn out that way. Too bad that's life.
    If you think Windows is unpredictable, think again... its nothing close to your closest friend.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    The warped human mind. An emotion typically of negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love.
    The talent I have, the passion I have in computer programming, the creative problem solving skills that has proven to be triumph with every memory leak I solved, every database conflict I resolved with vendors providing amateurish coding skills and employees with supposedly good logical programming skills.
    I used my savings from being a researcher to start my small passion and I'm still struggling in this world 7 months after I started. 17 months ever since I started planning for it. Constantly multi tasking between multi touch technologies and my father's business.
    How heaven plays with people. A god sent "son". My age, my talent but a different field. A money making one. One that my father would love. On the way to marriage with a gorgeous wife. A trap he laid perfectly to allow my father to let him use his fortune to build his own.
    Why do I care? Why am I jealous? My father has seen what I can do. He has seen what this pseudo-son of his do...or has he? The game has just begun. He has no idea what this pseudo-son has up his sleeve. With his guard down with my father triumph? I warned him. I have done my duty to warn him. Its up to him to pay for his lesson.
    I want to stick to my passion. I can take over his business. I can join the money making entrepreneurial passionless rat race or know that my interactive technology is never going to be scalable with the meager capital. Never in time at least before I have to join the rat race that my father needs me to take over so that he can retire. Time is running out.